AppSpaces – Development Platform

Can you write code?

If so, you ought to check out the Uniconnapps Platform’s AppSpaces.
It also functions flawlessly with Gitub CodeSpaces.

What are AppSpaces?

  • Developers can create apps or app connectors under AppSpaces using the Uniconnapps platform.
  • AppSpaces, which hosts Applications and Users, are connected to a single data centre.

What are Apps?

  • In the context of Uniconnapps, every project that involves writing code or developing software is referred to as an app or unified application.
  • If you’re interested in micro-services, each one is an app in the Uniconnapps context.
  • These unified applications are instantly accessible through a web browser and are used as demo applications.
  • These unified apps lack the desired UI/UX but do provide a basic web interface that is adequate for getting initial feedback and inputs.
  • To unified apps, more users can be invited. Once inside, they can immediately use the capabilities.
  • These are lightweight and can be developed, showcased, and tested by individuals or independent teams as “black boxes”.
  • Later, they can be put together to produce scalable software solutions.

What are connector Apps or proxy Apps?

  • They are also applications, but they utilise the web/cloud application’s already-existing APIs and hooks, and translate to Uniconnapps events and actions.
  • They serve as adapters, integrating current web applications into the Uniconnapps Ecosystem.

Why ought I, as a developer, use AppSpaces?

  • We regularly wish to provide team leads, managers, or even other devs a quick showcase of our most recent work.
  • We strived to get this done as quickly and smoothly as we could, even if it isn’t finished or isn’t of production quality.
  • These quick demonstrations are helpful for gathering early feedback.
  • These apps may eventually be “productionized” and made accessible to other apps through automatically produced APIs, FlowSpaces, etc.
  • to benefit from automation platforms and ecosystems of connected applications.

Additional Benefits

  • Whether it’s a basic app or a micro service, get started in a matter of minutes.
  • Functionality is by default ready for demos and shareable.
  • Save time on setting up the infrastructure and deployments just for demos and internal sharing.
  • No need to setup port forwarding, local tunnels, web servers, etc.

How it works?

  • A connector SDK is provided for each supported programming language.
  • To make functionality available to the platform, register actions in your code. Annotations and other simple techniques are available for use (based on programming language)
  • For your code to send events, use connector SDK methods.
  • Anywhere you like, run your code. All you need is internet connectivity.
    • Local development laptop
    • Jupyter notebooks
    • AWS Sagemaker
    • Docker containers
    • Cloud Servers etc.
  • The connector SDK connects with the Uniconnapps cloud and begins streaming the actions when your code runs.
  • Use the Uniconnapps Platform’s Web UI now to trigger the actions.
  • By using this paradigm, we can quickly start sending events from running development code and expose functionalities as invokable actions to Uniconnapps Cloud.

Do Uniconnapps monitor, access, or sniff my code?

  • Code belongs to developers. The code of an app cannot be read by Uniconnapps Platform.
  • The code won’t be sent to or stored by the Uniconnapps Cloud; only the data that it requires will be. These are a few examples of what it must keep.
    • events Details
    • input, output, errors details of actions.
  • The SDKs are open sourced and designed to securely connect to Uniconnapps cloud.

Note: By default, error traces are sent to the Uniconnapps platform and contain a tiny amount of code.
This is required to display errors on the Web UI fast.
By configuring connection SDK, this capability can be turned off.